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Macolin Convention on Competition Manipulation
Legal Commentary and Sports Integrity Database

El Salvador


I. General criminal law provisions

  1. Criminal Code
  • Fraud (Article 215)
  • Aggravated Fraud (Article 216)
  • Unlawful appropriation or retention (Article 217)
  • Fraudulent management (Article 218)


II. Sport-specific criminal law provisions

  1. Art. 218A of the Criminal Code (introduced on March 16th, 2016)

Sporting Fraud - Art. 218-A.

Anyone who, for himself/herself or for a third party, pledges or offers, promises, pays or distributes any type of benefit, with the aim of altering or ensuring a predetermined result of a professional sport competition or event of national or international level, or the abnormal behavior of a participant to such a competition, shall be sanctioned by imprisonment from 2 to 4 years and special prohibition of rights for the same period.

The same sanction shall apply to whoever, directly or through a third party, solicits or receives payment of any such benefit, with the aim of deliberately and fraudulently altering the result of a professional sport competition or event.

The sanction shall be aggravated by imprisonment from 3 to 5 years and special prohibition of rights for the same period when the perpetrator is an officer, director, manager, trainer, referee or judge, agent or employee of a club or sport entity, regardless of its legal form.

Whoever, in his/her quality as the country’s representative following national qualifications, in individual or collective sports, commits the above mentioned offenses, shall be sanctioned by imprisonment from 4 to 6 years and special prohibition of rights for the same period.



Last update : 25.11.2022