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Macolin Convention on Competition Manipulation
Legal Commentary and Sports Integrity Database

Russian Federation


I. General criminal law provisions

  1. Criminal Code (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996, No. 63-FZ)
  • Swindling  - Article 159
  • Unlawful organization and conducting of gambling - Article 171.2
  • Bribery in a profit-making organization - Article 204
  • Bribe-taking - Article 290
  • Bribe-giving - Article 291

II. Sport-specific criminal law provisions

  1. Criminal Code (Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1996, No. 63-FZ)
  • Art. 184 – Bribery of participants and organizers of professional sports and entertainment profitmaking competitions (Amended by the Federal Act of 23 July 2013 No. 198-FZ)

“1. Whoever carries into effect, or forces or incites any other person to carry into effect, or conspires with such persons to carry into effect any scheme, by bribery of athletes, referees, coaches, team managers, and other participants or organizers of an official  professional sports competition (including the employees), as well as by bribery of jury members, participants and organizers of an entertainment profitmaking competition, to influence in an illegal way the result of that competition, -

shall be fined not less than three hundred thousand (300 000) rubles not more than five hundred thousand (500 000) rubles, or fined a sum equal to his wage or salary or any other income for a period of not less than one (1) not more than three (3) years, or be condamned to community service for not more than four (4) years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain posts or to practice certain activities for a period of not more than three (3) years or without such deprivation, or be imprisoned not more than four (4) years with a fine of not more than fifty thousand (50 000) rubles or a sum equal to his wage or salary or any other income for a period of not more than three (3) months or without such a fine but with deprivation of the right to occupy certain posts or to practice certain activities for not more than three (3) years or without such deprivation.  

2. Whoever commits the deeds mentioned in Part 1 of the present Article as a member of an organized group,

shall be fined not less than five hundred thousand (500 000) not more than one million (1 000 000) rubles or a sum equal to his wage or salary or any other income for a period of not less two (2) not more than five (5) years, or be condemned to community service for not more than five (5) years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain posts or to practice certain activities for a period of not more than three (3) years or without such deprivation, or be imprisoned not more than seven (7)  years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain posts or to practice certain activities for not more than three (3) years or without such deprivation.   

3. Any athlete, coach, team manager or any other participant of an official professional sports competition as well as any participant of an entertainment profitmaking competition, who receives money, securities, any other property, or gets other lucrative services, or benefits from other advantages and privileges, or the conspiracy of these persons in order to influence in an illegal way the result of the official professional sports competition or that of the entertainment profitmaking competition, -

shall be fined not less than three hundred thousand (300 000) not more than five hundred thousand (500 000) rubles or a sum equal to his salary or wage or any other income for a period of not less than one (1) not more than three (3) years, or be condemned to community service for not more than four (4) years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain posts or to practice certain activities for not more than three (3) years or without such deprivation, or be imprisoned not more than 4 years and fined not more than fifty thousand (50 000) rubles or a sum equal to his salary or wage or any other income for the period of not more than three (3) months or without such a fine and with deprivation of the right to occupy certain posts or to practise certain activities for not more than three (3) years or without such deprivation.    

4. Any sports referee or organizer of the official professional sports competition as well as any member of the jury or organizer of the entertainment profitmaking competition, who commits the deeds mentioned in Part 3 of the present Article,

shall be fined not less than fife hundred thousand (500 000) not more than one million (1 000 000) rubles or the sum equal to his salary or wage or any other income for a period of not less two (2) not more than five (5) years, or condemned to community service for not more than five (5) years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain posts or to practice certain activities for a period of not more than three (3) years or without such deprivation, or be imprisoned not more than seven (7) years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain posts or to practice certain activities for not more than three (3) years or without such deprivation.      

Note. The person who has commited a deed mentioned in Parts 1 and 2 of the present Article, shall not be criminally liable if this person has been a victim of extorsion or if this person has voluntarily denounced the act of bribery to the organ which is competent to take legal action.”

  • Federal Law No. 329-FZ of December 4, 2007 (as amended on March 6, 2022) "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" 

Article 26.2. Preventing and Combating Illegal Influence on the Results of Official Sport Competitions (Manipulation of Official Sport Competitions) - (as amended by Federal Law N 43-FZ of 06.03.2022) - (introduced by Federal Law N 198-FZ of 23.07.2013)

1. Unlawful influence on the result of an official sports competition (manipulation of an official sports competition) shall be the commission of at least one of the following acts in order to achieve a predetermined result or outcome of that competition

1) bribing athletes, sports judges, coaches, sports team leaders, other participants or organisers of an official sports competition (including their employees), coercing or inducing the said persons to exert such influence or committing such actions by prior collusion with the said persons;

2) Athletes, sports judges, coaches, heads of sports teams, other participants in or organisers of official sports competitions (including their employees) receiving money, securities, other property, the use of services of a property nature by the above persons, obtaining other benefits and advantages or their prior collusion

3) Use, distribution and/or provision of insider information in the field of physical culture and sport received by a natural person and access to which arises in connection with his/her work or other activities (including as a direct participant or sponsor of an official sport competition) under a contract with the organiser of the official sport competition or an organisation involved in preparing and holding the relevant official sport competition

4) failure to take measures to prevent conflicts of interest in the sphere of physical culture and sport, including those provided for by sub-paragraph 3 of paragraph 8 of this Article, which resulted in a predetermined result or outcome of an official sport competition.

(Paragraph 1 as amended by the Federal Act of 06.03.2022 N 43-FZ)


Unofficial Translation

Last update: 25.11.2022