Article 1 (Page 10) in the Code of Ethics incorporates by reference the IOC Code.
The Code of Ethics under Rules of Conduct also states the following :
“A. Dignity
5. All forms of participation or support for betting related to the Olympic Games, Cups and Championships, Golden Grand Prix and all other competitions in the UWW calendar, is prohibited.”
“B. Integrity
1. UWW parties or their representatives must not, directly or indirectly, solicit, accept or offer any form of remuneration or commission, nor any concealed benefit or service of any nature, connected with the organisation of a championship or any competition in the UWW calendar.”
Additional reporting guidelines (not obligatory) are present under a document titled "Reporting acts against the integrity of the Sport".
Finally, the Disciplinary Code and Dispute Resolution Regulations under Article 2 state that the procedure therein applies “in the event of breach of regulations of the Federation, unless the application of another procedure is specifically provided for.”
Last update : 09.11.2022